This year has been a year of changes. The economic changes and working from home for many has been a very drastic differentiation from last year. I am now at least excited about something that has come from 2020. This year the rage of charcoal has taken off. It is most definitely possible I am a few years behind the times, but it seems like dental hygiene has really been pushed during the covid-19 pandemic. It is a honestly been a fun trend to see on social media and the use of charcoal as a tooth whitener has been one of the biggest hits of this year.
So I want to go over my experience with it and how I found out about this new natural tooth whitener.
My first view of this phenomenon of charcoal was watching some wild TikTok videos. People would jump in and out of view and show their mouths blackened by charcoal. It looked like joking pictures from 1600 britain with black teeth and crazy smiles. There were countless videos showing blackened smiles and what was fun to see was the aftermath. The Instagram posts and before and after views from one to two months was actually shocking. It seemed that normal people were actually getting their teeth really white by blackening them down with charcoal every day. It was a wild sight and in all honesty I didn't believe this was a possibility and was just paid advertising. Then I decided to possibly join the trend of social media.
Amazon won me over and I saw a few different brands of charcoal toothpaste available for just about the same cost as normal toothpaste. It looked like a basic draw between the brands and I was not really sure if I was going to buy this as a long term solution. My honest worry was that this was simply a gimmick and was not going to protect my teeth. That means that I was truly afraid to purchase this and use it on a regular basis. It looked like it was successful after months of use, but having a better smile for the cost of bad teeth is simply not worth it to me. So I decided on a compromise.
My idea was to buy the charcoal toothpaste and brush with it at night and use regular toothpaste in the morning. This was a safe bet for me because I did not really trust it to be more than a whitening and not a protecting toothpaste. So it has been a process for me and each morning I brush my teeth with my normal toothpaste and then at night I get to see my mouth go black. It really is fun, but be careful where you spit the toothpaste. It is black and it seems to stain things if not washed quickly. This is a big deal if you have kids. Make sure to not let them ruin your home by brushing their teeth. It is an easy way to get them to brush due to the fun blackness that it causes, but wow can it be a mess. So take that with a grain of salt. Every family is different, but my experience with the charcoal toothpaste has been good. I have whiter teeth and my dentists didn't notice any poor effects.