Wednesday, 1 August 2018

Information Takes the Worry Out of Cracked Tooth Syndrome

Teeth are important in maintaining a healthy body. The cracked tooth syndrome affects a person's dental health as much as missing teeth or those with a cavity. It places the teeth in danger of decay or further damage. A cracked tooth can make it difficult to function socially since many like to gather with friends and share food and drink. The discomfort of a cracked tooth syndrome can ruin any outing.

Cracked teeth sit primarily on molars and are undetectable on an x-ray. They can lay below gum lines and are very hard to see.

Signs/ Symptoms:

If teeth are sensitive to liquids, with no obvious reason, there is a good possibility that the problem is a cracked tooth. Pain does not linger; however, it is still uncomfortable.

The cracked tooth is not an odd occurrence; however, this is not a hygiene issue. People who care for their mouth judiciously have problems with cracked tooth syndrome. This tooth problem can happen when tooth enamel is suddenly exposed to a change in food temperature, during daily activities, or due to the age of a person. In essence, time can wear at the teeth.

Dentists use special instruments to find cracked teeth along with patient history and radiographs. Many with this problem may have multiple cracked teeth. The problem can cause the gums to inflame, and the pain grows more constant over time.

The problem of cracked teeth is prevented by eating hard foods carefully. In addition, protect the teeth during sporting activities. Sleeping is certainly normal; however, some people grind the teeth while sleeping, therefore, a mouth guard is very helpful to prevent crack tooth syndrome.


The line of treatment taken will depend upon the level of damage to the tooth. In some instances, a crown or a filling is used on the tooth. If cracks sit deeper into the teeth a root canal might be the answer. In the case of a crack that sits below the gum level, removal is generally the course of action.

  • Craze lines are repaired by the dentist far easier than others. Some require bonding, crowns, root canals, or implants.
  • Bonding-resin is used to seal the crack. Best suited for light pressure areas.
  • Crown- porcelain teeth cover
  • Root Canal-removes the root when the inner tooth is damaged.
  • Implant- Tooth is inserted in the jaw, this is an artificial tooth that looks like the real thing.

Types of Cracks:

  • The best way to protect teeth is to see a dentist. However, there is a variety of cracked tooth:
  • Craze lines- are visible on the outer area of the teeth and can go without treatment.
  • Fractured cusp- this crack occurs near fillings and can be repaired with a crown or filling.
  • Oblique supragingival (cracks)- Crack on the crown. Usually, pain is not a factor in this tooth damage.
  • Oblique subgingival (cracks)- Below the gum surface, may require a root canal.
  • Oblique root (cracks)- below the surface at the jawbone level.
  • Split tooth-Cracks in tooth sections.
  • Vertical root fracture-Root to surface fracture. This tooth crack syndrome is a painful crack.


Cracked tooth syndrome weakens the teeth and may cause them to break; this opens the mouth up for infection, and the tooth can abscess. If a patient is in pain, the use of a damp cool cloth helps lessen the pain. The use of analgesics is not recommended. It is important to see the dentist as soon as possible.


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